enhancing patient care

The Power of Integrated CTR Methodology
Consider a CTR assessment of the upper thoracic kyphosis, a valid part of the spine for assessing  sagittal alignment. By using the principles of CTR mathematical and geometric modeling, the impact on the line of gravity and on the overall spinal curvature can be predicted.  This approach is crucial in many fields for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems based on limited or localized information.

The global CTR sagittal alignment diagnosis, is defined by the direction of displacement of the line of gravity and is intrinsically regulated by the five motion segments of the upper thoracic spine, describing the degree of kyphosis. This makes the assessment unique and has reveled several typical compensation patterns that  provides clinically validated diagnosis and assists in the clinical decision making. 


Restoring the entire spinal sagittal balance involves an integrated treatment at specific levels, with crucial importance for the spine's curvature, function, and comfort. Restoring proprioceptive networks is central to the body's ability to regain normal sagittal balance and is central to our treatment strategy.

CTR Graph